Terry and I are preparing to leave today for Grand Prairie Alberta, Canada. Terry has a job opportunity there and we are going to meet the people he has been in contact with by phone and by email and to see the town and the countryside.
We feel excited about this Grand Adventure, however it may turn out. During the last month we have spent a lot of time talking and praying and reflecting on what this possible move could mean for us. We are aware, amidst the excitement, that there is also sadness for leaving family and friends and this area of the country where we have both lived all our lives.
It feels like our Lenten discipline this year is one of letting go and also opening to new possibilities. A friend shared the opening quote with me earlier this week as we were talking about this possible/probable move and I have been sitting with it in silence, seeking what it means for me, for us. Then I came across the following quote and it offered an expanded view of the opening line – much to ponder and pray about.
True hope is rooted in a Reality beyond ego and illusion.Hope that rises in our hearts is like a buoyant bubble of champagne; for some, it brings tears of relief, while others, may sense a new way to the future that will bring healing to us-personally, communally, nationally, globally-to all of Creation.Hope recognizes that many challenges await us on the path, obstacles and possible pitfalls that may delay outcome.In hope we are made new; for it is a sure and steadfast anchor of our soul that enters "the inner shrine behind the curtain," where the Divine Guest abides.So, in the Silence, let us embrace Love and dare to hope: the promise for all of Creation. ~ Nan Merrill
May your lives be filled with Hope, as we journey through Lent and the end of winter into Spring, when Easter comes again.
Terry & Tracy, our blessings and our prayers go with you. We are people of hope.