Our group often begins with a centering question. We have been meeting for many years and there have been so many of them only a few stand out. I have thought many times about my answer to, “What is a place in your life that you find serenity?”
Until cartilage in my left knee gave out last November I was running 3 miles every other day. It seemed to me the first mile went like this: ‘Ouch. My feet hurt. I have to go to the bathroom. Why am I doing this?’ The third mile was the same: ‘My feet really hurt. I really have to go to the bathroom. Not sure I make it?’
But the second mile was 8-9 minutes of bliss. I DID find serenity in that second mile. I had a good rhythm and it was invigorating. I felt good. My mind went to a place where my senses were not granted access. Truly some of my best ideas, solutions and God-moments were found there. So that’s how I answered the question, “Where is the place you find serenity?”
In the meantime, running the two icky miles and the one glorious mile grouped together was my exercise regimin. There wasn’t another activity that I enjoyed or felt called to. I have been running since the 1960s. It was seeming like the cartilage injury was making me rethink how I would be able to stay fit.
Then last Tuesday Dr. Lawson made three incisions in my knee and while I watched on a monitor, trimmed what he called my “banana-peel” meniscus. He and Eric, the physical therapist, think I’ll be able to run again. I am so thankful. I went to church without crutches or cane. Did I say I was thankful?
Time will tell if I get to run again. I think I will for a while but I have entertained the option of it not happening. For me to be true to my life’s call it is important for me to both replace the exercise and find that consistent serene place.
- What is a place in your life that you find serenity?
- As life’s circumstances change has your call changed?
- As life’s circumstances change how has God helped you adjust?
by Tom Pappas, Guest Blogger
My place of serenity is amongst nature. Taking in the strength of trees that have withstood the ravages of nature. Listening to the birds as they begin yet another cycle of life in the spring. The plants that have been dormant all winter as they emerge with blooms...My call since the death of a son and husband has been to retire and begin a new chapter with a spouse I dated 50+ years ago. No doubt Spirit was in our meeting at such a time in my life.